Inglês, perguntado por Brunadelucca, 9 meses atrás

Complete os espaços com a palavra interrogativa
is this man? He's Brad Pitt. He's a famous
movie star.
a) Where b) Why c) Who
is he from? He's from the United States.
b) Who
c) Where
a) What
a) Who
is she? She's twenty.
b) Why
) How old
are you happy? Because my team is the best.
b) Why
c) What
a) Who
's your favorite sport? It's surfing.
b) Why
c) What
a) Who

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por aldias52


1) Who is this man? (c)

2) Where is he from? (b)

3) How old is she? (c)

4) Why are you happy? (a)

5) What's your favorite sport? (b)

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