Inglês, perguntado por fagundesanaluisa283, 3 meses atrás

Complete os espaços com a conjugação correta dos Verbos no Simple Present :
1) My son _______________ (wake up) everyday at 6:30.
2) Mary________________ (brush) her teeth and then she_____________ (take) a shower.
3) Then Julia_______________ (meet) with her friend Myra and together they ______________ (have) breakfast at a little diner near the office.
4) My friend___________ (go) to the first floor, where she _____________ (work), and Peter _____________ (take) the elevator to the 12th floor.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por quindasilvareal


1. wakes up

2. brushes

3. she takes a shower

4. goes, works, takes


para he, she e it, no simple present, acrescenta-se geralmente apenas a letra s, sem mudanças além dessa; porém, no caso do verbo to do, coloca -se o ES para he, she e it.

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