Inglês, perguntado por NutellaPepsi7113, 2 meses atrás

Complete os diálogos usando a forma correta dos verbos entre parentesis. Jane: Hey, Pete, listen to this: "Family is the strong tie that holds you to the ground. "
Pete: Wow! What stuff are you reading?
Jane: It‟s a poem called "Family". By the way, tell me a bit more about your folks. Pete: Well, my family is not so big. I ____________ (live) with my parents and my two
sister, Barbara and Sheila. I think Barb _____________ (know) your sister Laura. Jane: What a small world! ________ Barbara ___________ (study) at Bradway College
Pete: No, she doesn‟t. She ___________ (work) all day long. My father __________ (have)
an office downtown, and she ______________ (help) him there. I guess Barb and Laura are
friends from the gym. Jane: _________ she ________ (want) to go to college one day?
Pete: Yep, but not this year. I guess she _________ (prefer) to save some more money to
go to university abroad. Jane: Smart girl… Dad says I‟m a big spender. Right now I __________ (have – neg. ) even a
buck to buy a snack

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alexdipaoli

Resposta: live,


[does] Barbara [study],




Explicação: Todos os verbos estao no presente. No caso, presente quando o verbo é conjugado na terceira pessoa ele se modifica e ganha um "s". Exceto em "have" que muda para "has"

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