Inglês, perguntado por kyggois, 9 meses atrás

Complete o texto sobre a campeã de tênis Serena Williams, a atleta indiscutivelmente mais forte e talentosa de todos os tempos, que em 2018 foi reduzida a um estereótipo irracional de "mulher negra raivosa".

We all remember the U.S. Open in September 2018, when tennis champion Serena Williams _____(receive) a series of code violations, including one for slamming her racket and receiving coaching, which ultimately cost her the match. When Williams _____ (try) to complain to the umpire, she _____ (be) accused of having a "meltdown" and mocked for having a "tantrum." Williams is arguably the strongest, most accomplished athlete of all time — and yet, she was still reduced to an irrational, "angry Black woman" stereotype.

Disponível em:<>. Acesso em 20 de Ago. 2020. Adaptado.

received / tried / was

receives / tries / is

received / tried / were

receive / try / be

receiveed / tryed / was

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Respondido por MiaTheNerd


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Bons estudos!

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