Inglês, perguntado por mari18027, 4 meses atrás

Complete o texto escrevendo os verbos no presente, indicando a terceira pessoa no singular

1.To work-trabalhar
2.To protect-proteger
3.To start-começar
4.To finish-terminar
5.To sleep-dormir
6.To get up-levantar
7.To take-tomar
8.To have-ter/tomar

Edson Bliss____________ for a

Protection Group. He________
members of the Kidman family and their employees. He__________ Working at four

o'clock in the afternoon and
at __________midnight. He__________from midnight to seven
in the morning.

He__________at seven,a shower and_________his breakfast.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por loloti


I don't speak english


usa o tradutor, espero ter ajudado

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