Inglês, perguntado por zPato, 4 meses atrás

Complete o texto com o verbo To Be (am, is, are):

Hello! My name ____ Peter. I ____ 5 years old. And this is my

family. Lucy is my sister. She ____ 8 years old. Mary is my ba-

by sister. She ____ 1 year old. Mike and Karol ____ my parents

and Joseph and Pam ____ my grandparents

Quem responder certo eu coloco como melhor resposta​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ailanicoleduaatesant


Hello! My name is Peter. I am 5 years old. And this is my

family. Lucy is my sister. She is 8 years old. Mary is my ba-

by sister. She is 1 year old. Mike and Karol are my parents

and Joseph and Pam are my grandparents

Respondido por louuh999


Hello! my name is Peter i am 5 years old. And this is my family. Lucy is my sister. She is 8 years old. Mary is my ba-??

by sister. She is 1 year old. Mike and Karol are my parents

and Joseph and Pam are my grandparents

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