Inglês, perguntado por jhonanthancpaul, 1 ano atrás

Complete o texto com: a,an or the.
I went into __________ restaurant on Soho Street sat down and lit ___________ cigarette. I called ____________ waiter who was passing behind me. I ordered __________ glass of wine __________ wine was delicious. Then I threw ___________ cigarette away. I wanted to give up smoking.
I took out my cell phone. Who could I call? ____________ Friend? Yes, but which one? _________ piece of paper had fallen out of my purse and I'd taken out __________ phone. I remember I'd written down __________ telephone number on it. Who was it?
It was __________ number of that smart and charming boy in ___________ office.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo
The. A A A The The A The
Respondido por gabigabo
a - a -the-a -the -the-a-the- the-the-an
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