Inglês, perguntado por delanecampos1995, 6 meses atrás

complete o quadro abaixo: AFIRMATIVE: I am going to. You are going to. He_______. she is going to. It is going to. We are going to. You_________. They are going to. NEGATIVE: I am not going to. You________. He is not going to. She_________. It is not going to. We are not going to. You are not going to. They________. INTERROGATIVE: Am i going to? _________you________. ________he________. Is she going to? Is it going to? ______ we_________. Are you going to? Are they going to?​

mvita086: apa kabar
delanecampos1995: alguem sabe a resposta?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por analuramalho10

He is going to

You are going to

You are not going to

She is not going to

They are not going to

Are you going to?

Is he going to?

Are we going to?

Perguntas interessantes