Inglês, perguntado por erickdejildoterres, 5 meses atrás

Complete o exercício abaixo com o verbo To be( am, is, are) . Espero que consigam completar na plataforma, está habilitado para isso. Se não conseguir, copiar o exercício no caderno e completar o mesmo, ok?
Fill in am, is or are.

1. She in the house.

2. The dog and the cat in the garden.

3. The woman is behind a tree.

4. I am Kevin.

5. Carol and I friends.

6. It black.

7. My name Bob.

8. They nice girls.

9. The children in the shop.

10. He a teacher.

11. We hungry.

12. Mrs Dixon funny and nice.

13. I twelve years old.

14. Jim and Cathy at school.

15. The elephants tired.

16. Mr Cooper in the house.

17. The boys in the park.

18. The mouse in front of the hole.

19. Peter a clever boy.

20. I Sam.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

1. She is in the house.

2. The dog and the cat are in the garden.

3. The woman is behind a tree.

4. I am Kevin.

5. Carol and I are friends.

6. It is black.

7. My name is Bob.

8. They are nice girls.

9. The children are in the shop.

10. He is a teacher.

11. We are hungry.

12. Mrs Dixon is funny and nice.

13. I am twelve years old.

14. Jim and Cathy are at school.

15. The elephants are tired.

16. Mr Cooper is in the house.

17. The boys are in the park.

18. The mouse is in front of the hole.

19. Peter is a clever boy.

20. I am Sam - not a good movie, I might add.

Respondido por caiorcruz
A regra do verb to be é a seguinte:
Para “I” se usa “am”
Para “he”, “she” e “it”, se usa “is”
Para “we”, “you” e “they” se usa “are”

1 She is ...
2 the dog and the cat (=they) ARE
3 The woman (=she) IS
4 I AM
5 Carol and I (=we) ARE
6 It is ...
7 My name (=it) IS
8 they are
9 The children (they) ARE
10 He is ...
11 We are ...
12 Mrs Dixon IS
13 I am
14 ARE
15 ARE
16 IS
17 IS
18 IS
19 IS
20 AM

Espero ter ajudado! :)
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