Inglês, perguntado por jlanselmo815oyhcnu, 10 meses atrás

Complete o diálogo com os object pronouns

Janice: John, is Marcela coming?
John: No, she isn’t. She’s sick.
Janice: Do you have her phone number?
John: No, I don’t. But Felipe has _______.
Janice: Do you know where he is? I can’t see ______ around.
John: Ask Isabela and Ana. They may have it. They’re over there.
Janice: Good idea! Are they going to join you and me after the exhibit?
John: Yes, they are coming with _______.
Janice: Let’s go and talk to ___________.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nicolly779

1) it

2) her

3) us

4_ them

nicolly779: sorry o 2 é him
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