Complete o diálogo abaixo entre dois jovens comentando o texto acima. Use o Reported Speech.
Jose: Hey Barb, did you read the post about Brazil?
Bárbara: Hi, Jose! Yes, I did, it was just amazing to hear foreigners talking about us.
Jose: What did they say exactly?
Barb: Oh, they _______ that here in Brazil we don’t say Santa, but we ____________.
Jose: Nice! And what about those gifts you give?
Barb: They also talked about that. They said that Brazilians __________ part in a kind of ___________
and that it _____ popular and traditional to ___________________________________. They
didn’t forget to say that people only ____________ who their amigo secreto ________ on Christmas
Jose: I bet you guys spend a lot of money on that, just as we do in Colombia.
Barb: Oh, we do! But the article also said that ______________ in Brazil to get a _______________.
Jose: Yeah, once I heard that in December Brazilians _________ twice the normal amount of pay.
Someone told me that it happened because the idea _____________________ boost the economy,
and that it ____________________ for decades. I didn’t know that many Brazilians had no idea that
in other countries ___________. But it’s nice you guys get it!
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galeraaaa pfvr ajuda aí pq eu tbm to precisandooooo
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