Complete estes dois artigos de notícias com when, where, that, who or which.
a) Several people were seriously injured this morning______________________a truck ______________was
Carrying concrete poles skidded and hit four cars. The accident on Highway 5 caused a huge traffic jam and people
-----------------------were in their cars traveling to work were held there for over two hours. Ambulances could not reach the
site_________________the accident happened, so a helicopter was used to transport the paramedics.
b) The police are after four suspects______________stole jewels and money from the National Bank. The robbery
happened between 2 and 2:15 a.m. ______________________the noise of an explosion was heard in a disco near the bank.
Soluções para a tarefa
obs: coloquei os traços para vc identificar onde está a resposta
a) Several people were seriously injured this morning when____ a truck that was___
Carrying concrete poles skidded and hit four cars. The accident on Highway 5 caused a huge traffic jam and people
that were_____ in their cars traveling to work were held there for over two hours. Ambulances could not reach the
site wich the accident happened, so a helicopter was___ used to transport the paramedics.
b) The police are after four suspects who___ stole jewels and money from the National Bank. The robbery
happened between 2 and 2:15 a.m. when____ the noise of an explosion was heard in a disco near the bank.
a)Várias pessoas ficaram gravemente feridas esta manhã quando um caminhão que estava a Carregar postes de concreto derrapou e atingiu quatro carros. O acidente na estrada 5 causou um enorme engarrafamento e as pessoas que estavam em seus carros viajando para o trabalho foram mantidos lá por mais de duas horas. As ambulâncias não alcançaram o local onde ocorreu o acidente, um helicóptero foi usado para transportar os paramédicos.
b) A polícia está atrás de quatro suspeitos que roubaram jóias e dinheiro do Banco Nacional. O assalto aconteceu entre 2 e 2:15 da manhã, quando o ruído de uma explosão foi ouvido em uma discoteca perto do banco.
espero ter ajudado :-)