Complete com verbo to be no passado
Soluções para a tarefa
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complete com o verbo to be no passado ( was/ were) :
yesterday... a) I ...... at school b) you ...... hungry c) he ..... working d) she .... in bid e) it .... tirid f) we ..... playing g) you ..... sad h) they ...... singing i) our cat ..... similing j) i ..... in paris k) the pupils ...... learming l ) your bike ..... new m ) my bike ..... dancing n ) you ..... at the cinema o ) his parents ...... angry p ) the frogs ...... sleeping q ) the bretterfly ...... flying r ) i .... reading a book
Respondido por
qual verbo to be, querida oi
Perguntas interessantes
Ed. Física,
8 meses atrás
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