Inglês, perguntado por pjeane702, 1 mês atrás

Complete com So ou Neither

a) Bob: I don’t like him. Jack:_________ do I.

b) Jeniffer: My father is sick. Jake:______ is mine.

c) Daniel: I met Bob last night. Samantha:______ did I.

d) Doug: I’ve eaten to much food Jackson: _____ has Clark.

e) Samantha: You need to study harder. Carla: _______ you.

f) Richard: I’m not joking. Daniel: __________ are they.

g) Daniel: We won’t be long. Flavia:_________ will I.

h) Samantha: I’m so unhappy. Jack: ________ is she.

i) Tom: I can’t find my kids. Bob:__________ can I. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por samykkj
a) Neither do I.
b) So is mine.
c) So did I.
d) So has Clark.
e) So (do) you.
f) Neither are they.
h) So is she.
i) Neither can I.
Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a) Bob: I don’t like him. Jack: neither do I.

b) Jeniffer: My father is sick. Jake: so is mine.

c) Daniel: I met Bob last night. Samantha: so did I.

d) Doug: I’ve eaten to much food Jackson: so has Clark.

e) Samantha: You need to study harder. Carla: so do you.

f) Richard: I’m not joking. Daniel: neither are they.

g) Daniel: We won’t be long. Flavia: neither will I.

h) Samantha: I’m so unhappy. Jack: so is she.

i) Tom: I can’t find my kids. Bob: neither can I. ​

pjeane702: min responder a minha outra que tá no meu perfil por favor
pjeane702: ??
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