Inglês, perguntado por inaciorapha11, 6 meses atrás

Complete com past, for, to, on, at e along.
Go straight ahead the restaurant.
Go the school and keep walking one block to get to the Cafe.
Please, how can we get the Zoo?
Turn left school street and continue for five blocks.
Turn right the food truck and walk that street.
Please, go the buildings and the trees are the righ
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Descreva as características dos personagens de acordo com o observado nas imagens.

Ainsley is the woman with and short hair.

The man speaking has gray hair and wears .

Brian is the man who is middle-aged and with hair.
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Complete a fala de Greta Thunberg com as seguintes palavras fire, feel, young, adults, hopeful.

“ keep saying, ‘we owe it to the people to give them hope’. But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be . I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I everyday. And then I want you to act… I want you to act as if your house is on . Because it is.”

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Complete com o pronome que completa adequadamente cada expressão.

The brother shares the bedroom with his brother but doesn’t like .
share the bunk bed.
Do share your bedroom?

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Complete os diálogos com as expressões do quadro.


A: you free in the weekend?

B: Oh no, I’m not. I have to study for the tests.

A: meet to study together, then.

B: OK, that’s a !

A: go to school?

B: No, I still have to finish breakfast. A: OK, see you there!

you go before me? Don’t get late because of me.

A: B: What time, Jack?

A: Right now.

you like to watch a movie with me?

B: I can’t now. I have to finish homework.

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De acordo com os sintomas mostrados na imagem, selecione a opção que tem uma sugestão correta sobre a contaminação por COVID-19.

A: I feel exhausted after my return from Italy.

B: Why don’t you have a rest before going back to work? (1º opção)

A: I’ve got a headache and back pain, what should I do?

B: I have some painkillers here. Let’s call my mother so she tells us what you can take.( 2º opção)

A: These days have been very stressful.

B: Would you like to go for a walk in the park? (3º opção)

A: I’ve got a headache and fever. I’m also coughing. What should I do?

B: Would you like to go to the hospital?(4º 0pção)

A: Let’s go to the club this afternoon.

B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have a test tomorrow.(5º opção)

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The future of work: Will robots take my job?

Back in the 1990s, when US banks started installing automated teller machines, the human tellers who worked in those banks seemed to be facing substitution. If machines could hand out cash and accept deposits, who needed people? The banks did. It’s true that the ATMs made it possible to operate banks with many less employees: 13 down from 20. But the cost savings just encouraged the parent banks to open so many new branches that the total employment went up.

You can find similar stories in finance, health care, education and law, says James Bessen, the Boston University economist who called his colleagues’ attention to the ATM story in 2015. “The argument isn’t that automation always increases jobs,” he says, “but that it can and often does.”

That’s a lesson worth remembering when listening to predictions about the future of work in the age of robots and artificial intelligence. Will there be anything left for people to do?


ATM: automated teller machine, caixa automático, caixa eletrônico.

hand out: entregar.

encourage: estimular, encorajar.

branch: filial.

prediction: estimativa.

WALDROP, Mitchell. The future of work: Will robots take my job? Knowable magazine, 28 jul. 2018. Disponível em: <www.knowablemagazine. org/article/technology/2018/future-work-will-robots-take-my-job>. Acesso em: 28 jul. 2018. (Adaptado.)

Escolha a alternativa que apresenta somente profissões relacionadas com finanças e cuidado em saúde.
Firefighter, policeman and teacher.
Lawyer, nurse and bank teller.
Bank teller, nurse and doctor.
Bank teller, physiotherapist and lawyer.
Nurse, doctor and firefighter.
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pfvr me ajudem obg​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por RaizaSantos47


ok yes dowm coln you loveliii

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