Inglês, perguntado por lucaspredador97, 6 meses atrás

Complete com os possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
E traduza as frases:
1. I don't know the time because I can't find
2. What's the boy's name?
name is Ben Scott.
3. Debbie has got a cat.
cat is very lively
4. The dog is very cute.
name is Ben.
5. We are at school.
school is very nice.
6. I have a new laptop.
laptop is white.
7. I'm from Seattle. Most of
friends are from Seattle, too.
8. The rabbit is white.
cage is in the garden.
9. Sandra and Jenny are friends.
school is in the city centre.
10. The Millers have a new car.
car is blue.
11. Emma Peel has got a brother.
name is Paul.
12. Nick Baker has a sister.
name is Debbie.
13. Yes, we have a dog.
dog is very old
14. The boys have got a tortoise.
name is Trundle.
15. Suddenly the children see an old man. It's
16. Aunt Mary is sitting at the table. Peter fills
17. We take the guitars and start to play.
18. Captain Clark drives a yellow sports car. It's
19. Tom and Robert like fish and chips. It's
20. We cannot come on Saturday. It's
glass with juice
music is great.
favourite food
father's birthday

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pet123
1) ... I can't find my watch.
2) His name is Ben Scott.
3) Her cat is very lively.
4) Its name is Ben.
5) Our school is very nice.
6) My laptop is white.
7) Most of my friends are
from Seattle too.
8) Its cage is the garden.
9) Their schools is in the city center.
10) Their car is blue.
11) His name is Paul.
12) Her name is Debbie.
13) Our dog is very old.
14) Its name is Trundle.
15) It is their grandfather.
16) Peter fills her glass with juice.
17) Our music is great.
18) It is his car.
19) It is their favorite food.
20) It is out father's birthday.
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