Inglês, perguntado por jacksyannemanuela, 10 meses atrás

Complete com o verbo TO BE nas três formas afirmativas , negativas e interrogativas.

Afirmativas Negativas interrogativas

I ______happy I___________happy ______I happy?

You______happy You__________happy ______You happy?

He______happy He___________happy ______he happy?

She ______happy She__________happy ______she happy?

It _______happy It __________happy ______it happy?

We ______happy We_________happy ______we happy?

You ______happy You__________happy ______you happy?

They______happy They__________happy _______they happy?

jacksyannemanuela: jente alguem pode me ajudar
jacksyannemanuela: eu preciso de ajuda o mais rapido possivel

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jeong1n

Afirmativas Negativas interrogativas

I _am_happy I_am not__happy _am__I happy?

You_are_happy You_are not_happy

_are_You happy?

He_is_happy He_is not____happy _is_he happy?

She _is__happy She__is not___happy

_is_she happy?

It __is__happy It _is not_happy _is__it happy?

We __are__happy We_are not_happy __are__we happy?

You _are_happy You_are not__happy _are__you happy?

They_are_happy They__are not___happy __are___they happy?

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