Inglês, perguntado por annalis38, 9 meses atrás

Complete com o pronomes relativos who,which, that. colocá -los entre parênteses quando for possível omiti-los

a) That's the boy_____I met yesterday

b) A calculator is a machine______does

c) He is the man_______had an accident
last week

d) That's the table______i bought last Sunday

e) Robert is the boy_____won a trip to

f) These are the books______i read last semester

g) These are problems_____you don't have​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luisamonte1ro


a) (who)

b) which

c) who

d) (which)

e) who

(todos podem ser trocados por "that" também)


annalis38: muito obrigada
annalis38: ^^
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