Inglês, perguntado por mariabiologia, 4 meses atrás

Complete com o presente dos verbos.

A - They .......................... home. (TO GO)
B - She............................. the toys twice week. (TO WASH)
C - Peter................... the bike. (TO FIX)
D - We............................ after the lunch. (TO RELAX)
E - He his work when the sun is rising. (TO FINISH)
F - She......................... the class. (TO MISS)
G - Karen ...........................her hairs. (TO WASH)
H - She............................ her mother in the morning. (TO KISS)
I - They ..................................TV every night (TO WATCH)
J - I homework every day. (TO DO)
L - She................................ here. (TO TEACH)
M - We............................... our teeth every morning_ (TO BRUSH)
N - My brother......................... his car every month. (TO FIX)
0 - My sister.............................. her teeth after the meals, (TO BRUSH)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por liloukrest


A) they going home

B) she washing the toys twice week

C) Peter fixing the bike

D) we relaxing after the lunch


F) she missing the classe

G) Karen washing her hairs

H) she kissing her mother in the morning

I ) they watching tv Every night

J) i doing my homework ...

L) she teaching here

Respondido por Matanoobysmalucao


We............................ after the lunch. (TO RELAX)

E - He his work when the sun is rising. (TO FINISH)

F - She......................... the class. (TO MISS)

G - Karen ...........................her hairs. (TO WASH)

H - She............................ her mother in the morning. (TO KISS)

I - They ..................................TV every night (TO WATCH)

J - I homework every day. (TO DO)

L - She................................ here. (TO TEACH)

M - We............................... our teeth every morning_ (TO BRUSH)

N - My brother......................... his car

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