Inglês, perguntado por Vanda58, 9 meses atrás

Complete com o Immediate Future" as sentenças abixo: (to be (am / is /are) + going to + verbo)
a) Billy _______________________________at the living room. (to Sleep)

b)________________Louise and Julian_____________________to the aiport? (to Leave)

c) Frank ________________________about it. (negative-to think)

d) Steve and I ________________________________a present to the teacher. (To give)

e)_________________Jeniffer____________________a friend? (to visit)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por melnixencojulia


a) Billy is going to sleep at the living room.

b) Are Louise and Julian going to the airport?

c) Frank isn't going to think about it.

d) Steve and I are going to give a present to the teacher.

e) Is Jeniffer going to visit a friend?

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