Inglês, perguntado por isaramos12, 7 meses atrás

Complete com o Futuro Simples:
If the weather is sunny tomorrow, Kathy and I ......... (travel) to Rio de Janeiro. We ........(spend) the day on the beach. We ......... (meet) some friends, ......... (have) lunch at a food truck. We ......... (come back) in the evening. If the weather is rainy, we ........ (not/go) to Rio.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por opann10

com o Futuro Simples:

If the weather is sunny tomorrow, Kathy and I ......... (travel) to Rio de Janeiro. We ........(spend) the day on the beach. We ......... (meet) some friends, ......... (have) lunch at a food truck. We ......... (come back) in the evening. If the weather is rainy, we ........ (not/go) to Rio

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