Inglês, perguntado por JoséCarlos20208, 1 ano atrás

Complete com: insensitive, sarcastic, bossy, moody, incosiderate, rude, egocentric

Jenny: What did you call me?
Greg: ______! It means you are selfish!
Jenny: I know what it means, and how can you say that? You are way out of line, mister.
Jenny: What's that supposed to mean?
Greg: I think you know, you are very bright after all.
Jenny: Stop being ______ you, know i hate it. And i'm not ______
Greg: Let's ask your mother, then. She'll agree with me
Jenny: You leave my mother out of this
Greg: I have no problem leaving your mother out, but you...
Jenny: That's it! I knew it. You hate my mother, don't you?
Greg: I don't hate her, but I don't want to live with her
Jenny: You are so ________ Greg. My parents helpes us a lot
Greg: Yes jenny... and I get a chance to thank them every single night when they come over for dinner
Jenny: You.. arrgh you are so ____. You really don't care that you hurt me when you talk like this.
Greg: I never know when I'm "hurting your feelings" because they change every 10 minutes. You've been so _____ lately that I'm even afraid to say good morning to you
Jenny: Don't bother thinking, Grege. Yo hurt me all the time because you are always _____
Greg: Oh, yeah? Well, then... FINE!
Jenny: FINE!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por WhUwa
Egocentric, sarcastic, bossy, inconsiderate, insensitive, moody, rude

Espero ter ajudado
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