Inglês, perguntado por rickmartins457, 3 meses atrás

Complete com IN, ON, AT

1- She always gets up ________ 6:30am.

2-Meg lives ______ Mason street and James lives _____ 58 Livian street.

3- I am _____ home ______ the living room.

4- Peter waters the flowers _____ the morning and he cleans the house ______ night.

5- I will travel _____ Friday. _____ March I will travel again.

6- ____ the winter I never go to the club. I prefer to go ____ the summer.

7- _____ 2019 I lived ______ Italy but now I live _____ Brazil.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por reginapati1348


1 - at

2 - on/at

3 - at/in

4 - in/at

5 - on/in

6 - in

7 - in/in/in

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