Inglês, perguntado por mateusredmi2, 5 meses atrás

Complete com a afirmativa dos verbos e tempos pedidos entre parênteses, traduza e faça as formas interrogativa e negativa:
a) ________________ three correct answers for this question. (There To Be – presente)
b) ________________ a telephone in the classroom. (There To Be – presente)
c) Pelé _________ important in the sports world. (To Be – passado)
d) Portuguese _________ the official language in Brazil. (To Be – presente)
e) The children _________ in the yard. (To Be – presente)
f) ________________ mouse traps in the house. (There To Be – passado)
g) You and I ____________ at the post office yesterday. (To Be – passado)
h) _________________ a check inside the envelope. (There To Be – passado)
i) Kelly and Victor ______________ teachers during 8 years. (To Be – passado)
j) I _________ in love with you. (To Be – presente)
k) _________________ a dragon in the castle. (There To Be – passado)
l) Love __________ all that matters. (To Be – presente)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por medaumswitch


a) There are

b) There is

c) was

d) is

e) are

f) There were

g) were

h) There was

i) were

j) am

k) There was

l) is

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