Complete as sentenças usando as “prepositions of place” de acordo com a
a) The ball is _____________ the table.
b) The lampshade is _____________________ the book and the vase.
c) The chair is __________________ the table.
d) The cat is _____________ the armchair.
e) The carpet is ____________ the table.
f) The flowers are _____________ the vase.
g) The vase is _______ the table.
h) The cushions are _________________ the armchair.
i) The clock is ______________ everything.
4) Na formação das palavras temos prefixos, sufixos, palavras compostas e conversões.
Classifique as palavras destacadas nessas categorias usando as seguintes siglas:
P (prefix), S (suffix), CW (compound word), C (conversion)
a) Her actitude was unexpected. ( )
b) The armchair is broken. ( )
c) It is a good buy. ( )
d) His behaviour was ridiculous. ( )
e) You need to butter the bread. ( )
f) I have a good musical memory. ( )
g) The airplane was new. ( )
h) We disagree in our political opinions. ( )

Soluções para a tarefa
a) under a) P
b) between b) CW
c) next to c) S
d) next to d) S
e) next to e) C
f) inside f) CW
g) on g) CW
h) on h) P
i) above