Inglês, perguntado por victormachado8pa4fhh, 10 meses atrás

complete as sentenças

preciso disso para hoje


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Lucapooka
Peter is not cooking now
The phone is ringing, answer it please
Can/do you sing? No, but I love dancing
It's raining. Do you have an umbrella?
Sandra never wakes up at 8.00am
Bob always sleeps very late
I'm a doctor. What do you do?
Tim is waiting for me? I have to go, bye. (tambem : Is Tim waiting for me?)
Sarah does not watch TV. She doesn't like it
What are you doing? My homework
Why are you crying? I don't know.
Mark studies in the afternoon
We are not enjoying the party. It's boring.

Lucapooka: you have very nice handwriting!
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