Inglês, perguntado por jasminninck1, 9 meses atrás

Complete as sentenças em inglês com a forma correta do verbo to be

no Presente Simples: Am, Is ou Are.

1. My name Miguel.

2. I Brazilian.

3. My parents Americans.

4. My mother an accountant.

5. I have one brother, he 11 years old.

6. We playing with our friends, Helena and Beto.

7. I happy today.

8. My grandparents coming to see me.


1.Escreva no plural:

Lembrando que os adjetivos possessivos my, your ... ficam invariáveis

no plural.

a.She is my friend.


b.I am a teacher.


c.I am a student.


d.You are my teacher.


e.She is my sister.


f.He is my brother2.Responda cada sentença com verb to be na forma interrogativa.

a.Ben –young- old

_____ Ben young?

No, he is not young.

He is old.

b.Helen- ugly-beautiful


No, she is not ugly.


c.the –car- old- new



It is new.

d.Peter- rich- poor


No, he is not rich.





It is cheap.

3.Passe para a forma interrogative:

a.You are a good boy


b.Your girlfriend is beautiful.


c.They are rich.


d.She is young.4.Passe para a forma negative.

a.Paul is short.


b.Peter is well today.


c.My house is beautiful.


d.The teacher is young.


5.Traduza o diálogo abaixo:

A terrible headache

-Good morning, Mary.

- Good morning, Joseph.

-Are you well today?

-No, I am not well. I am sick.

-What is the matter?

-A terrible headache!








Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por HellenRamosG

1) My name is Miguel

I am Brazilian

My parents are American

My mother is an accountant

I have one brother, he is 11 years old

We are playing with our friends, Helena and Beto.

I am happy today

My grandparents are coming to see me

2) They are my friends

We are teachers

We are students

They are my teachers

They are my sisters

They are my brothers

3) Is Ben young?

Is Helen ugly?

is the car old?

is Peter rich?

Is this book expensive?

4) Are you a good boy?

Is your girlfriend beautiful?

They are rich?

Is she young?

5) Paul is not short.

Peter is not well today.

My house is not beautiful.

The teacher is not young.

6) Uma dor de cabeça terrível

- Bom dia, Mary.

- Bom dia, Joseph.

- Você está bem hoje?

- Não, eu não estou bem. Eu estou doente.

- O que você tem?

- Uma dor de cabeça terrível

jasminninck1: muito obrigadaa ❤️
HellenRamosG: Por nada... Se puder marcar como melhor resposta ficarei agradecida
Respondido por pereiradesouzaadaias


complete com am is ou are Laura and jospeh ( ) maried

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