Inglês, perguntado por nicolelacerda87, 1 mês atrás

Complete as sentenças corretamente usando Can ou May. 1) ______ you play the piano for us? 2) You ______ leave now if you wish. 3) He ______ run faster than his brother. 4) Students ______ not speak during the exam. 5) Nowadays, people ______ travel very easily all over Europe. 6) ______ you imagine a world without war? 7) ______ I see your driving licence please? 8) Look at that balloon. It's over there. ______ you see the balloon? 9) ______ I come and stay with you? 10) I ______ finish my homework by 10 pm. 11) I think you _______ sleep here. 12) _____ you put this book back on the shelf, please? 13) I ______ wake up later tomorrow. It's holiday. 14) _______ you drive? 15) You ______ not touch the pictures in a museum ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cleciacida88

Resposta:1 can;2 can;3 can; 4 can't;5 can

Explicação:4 se o "nota" já está ali é só vc por o can(positivo) para can't (negativo)

ps: n vou escrever mais pq tô com preguiça mas espero q eu tenha ajudado:)

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