Inglês, perguntado por erickff147, 8 meses atrás

Complete as sentenças condicionais a seguir adequadamente.

A. If it rains, we_ _________stay at home. (are, will, would) B. If you study hard, you_____________pass the test. (are, will, would)
C. If you drink too much, you______________have problems. (are, will, would) D. People_________help you if you help them. (are, will, would) E. If you see him, ________________him to come back. (are tell, will tell, tell) F. If you don't stop, you_________________ improve. (will have, will not, are) G. Call me if you____________any problems. (will have, have, has) H. I_______________ talk to you on MSN if you do this. (are, will not, have)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lauraverdan8


a/ will

b/ will

c/ will

d/ will

e/ tell

f/ will not

g/ have

h/ will not                                                                  




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