Inglês, perguntado por yasmimcorreia145, 8 meses atrás

Complete as sentenças com a forma correta do verbo tobe 1. He reading a book.
2. They playing with the cat.
3. Tom and Betty watching a film.
4. My brothers playing basketball.
5. My dog running in the park.
6. I learning English.
7. The bus driver listening to music.
8. The teacher sleeping in class.
9. I studying for my test.
10. The children going home.

por favor pq estou precisando tira 9 nessesa prova de recuperação o nao passo de ano .

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MatheusR82838


1. He is reading a book.

2. They are playing with the cat.

3. Tom and Betty are watching a film.

4. My brothers are playing basketball.

5. My dog is running in the park.

6. I am learning English.

7. The bus is driver listening to music.

8. The teacher is sleeping in class.

9. I am studying for my test.

10. The children are going home.

Espero ter ajudado <3

yasmimcorreia145: ok muito obrigado mesmo
MatheusR82838: :)
yasmimcorreia145: tem umas outras também s e vc quiser ksksk
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