Física, perguntado por manusanches, 5 meses atrás

Complete as sentenças abaixo com Verbo To Be (Am, Is, Are):

a)She_________ a good girl.

b)John__________my brother.

c)They_______my friends.

d)I________a good student.

e)It_________my dog.

f)Mary and Lucy_________my sisters.

g)My house_________white.

h)You_______my teacher.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maki0


a) Is

b) Is

c) Are

d) Am

e) Is

f) Is

g) Are

Respondido por theice633


A) is

B) is

C) are

D) am

E) is

F) are

G) is

H) are

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