Inglês, perguntado por frasesinvejosa, 1 ano atrás

Complete as senteças em ingles :
1-My flash drive is full of __________.
2-They went away because________.
3-Do you want anything from_________?
4-Are you going out________?
5-I'm leaving for the USA in ______.
6-Suddenly,she left and I didn't______.
7-Actually , the pictures that I look_______.
8-He gave her a hug and she_______.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Luiz1Rds
1-My flash drive is full of pictures.
2-They went away because they were hurt.
3-Do you want anything from us?
4-Are you going out tonight?
5-I'm leaving the USA in January.
6-Suddenly, she left and I didn't say anything.
7-Actually, the pictures that I look young aren't mine.
8-He gave her a hug and she kissed him.

frasesinvejosa: obga!!
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