Inglês, perguntado por GustavoSilvaPires, 8 meses atrás

Complete as seguintes sentenças com os pronomes (NOSSO,NOSSA), HIS (DELE), YOUR (SEU,SUA) e HER (DELA) Qual a alternativa correta: MINHA),OUR possessivos: MY(MEU, I know Mr.Watson but I don't know wife. hair before I go out. I'm going to wash I want to phone Ann. Do you know phone number?. We live in Barton street. house is at the end on the left. Js that car? No, I haven't got a car A) her, my, our, your,his, B) our, your, his, her, my C) my, your, her, his, our D) his, my, her, our, your E) your, our, his, her, our

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laurainsabraldmafra

I know Mr.Watson but I don't know his wife

I'm going to wash my hair before I go out

I want to phone Ann. Do you know her phone number?

We live in Barton street. Our house is at the end on the left.

Is that your car? No, I haven't got a car

D) his, my, her, our, your

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