Inglês, perguntado por patriciagbarros, 2 meses atrás

Complete as seguintes orações com adjetivo possessivo correspondente:

1. "Look, Annie and Kristen, it's _____ now!"

2. The students are from germany. _____ names are jutta ad karl.

3. New York ir famous for _____ museums.

A) 1. Their; 2. Your; 3.Its
B) 1. Your; 2. Its; 3. Their
C) 1. Your; 2. Their 3. Its
C) 1. Their; 2. Its; 3. Your

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dudampreviero


C) 1. Your; 2. Their 3. Its


1. "Look, Annie and Kristen, it's your now!"

2. The students are from germany. Their names are jutta ad karl.

3. New York ir famous for it's museums.

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