Inglês, perguntado por hiagodelicia728, 11 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas usando: and, but, so, however, because, or

A) John went to the dance _______ he wanted to see Lucy.

B) I bought a new flat ________ a sports car with my Money.

C) They screamed _________ they were scared.

D) She went to Hawaii ___________ she hated it.

E) I was tired ___________ I went to bed.

F) Tim´s Family doesn´t like jam ________ honey on toast.
His mother makes them every morning _______ his brother, Julian, loves toast ________ always cries, if he doesn´t have toast for breakfast.

G) There isn´t any sugar __________ coffee in the cupboard.

H) The library was closed _________ it was a public Holiday.

I) The bus is quicker than the train, _________ it is more expensive.

J) September _________ October are good months to visit Israel.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AntonioCarlos17


a: Because

b: and

c: because

d: but

e: so

f: and, however, because, and

g: or

H: because

I: however

J: and

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