Inglês, perguntado por arrozbatata932, 3 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas com some ou any:

1. There aren’t ____________ houses there.

2. The baby needs to have ___________ milk now.

3. There isn’t ___________ text on the last page of the book.

4. They don’t need ___________ china cups. Everything’s disposable.

5. ____________ question is a question!

Complete as frases com many, more ou much:

6. I drink coffee without ____________ milk.

7. Buy _____________ powder milk this time. It can be kept for very long.

8. With so ______________ money you can buy an expensive diamond necklace!

9. ______________ books fail to interest us.

10. ______________ leisure and less work is what ______________ people want.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Quantifiers   >>>   some  /   any  /  much /  many  /  more

1. There aren’t any houses there.

2. The baby needs to have some milk now.

3. There isn’t any text on the last page of the book.

4. They don’t need any China cups. Everything’s disposable.

5. Any question is a question!

Complete as frases com many, more ou much:

6. I drink coffee without much milk.

7. Buy more powder milk this time. It can be kept for very long.

8. With so much money you can buy an expensive diamond necklace!

9. Many books fail to interest us.

10. More leisure and less work is what many people want.


→→ Some (algum - alguma, alguns - algumas, um pouco de) - é usado em sentenças afirmativas.

→ antes de substantivos contáveis (que possuem plural)

I have some friends. - Eu tenho alguns amigos

She has some books. - Ela tem alguns livros

We have some pens. - Nós temos algumas canetas

→ antes de substantivos incontáveis - (que não possuem plural)

some milk - um pouco de leite

some water - um pouco de água

→→ Any (nenhum, nenhuma, qualquer, algum, alguma) - é usado em sentenças afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas

→ Afirmativas - tem sentido de ‘’qualquer’’

any tools - qualquer ferramenta

any shoes - qualquer sapato

→ Negativas - tem sentido de ‘’nenhuma’’ ou ‘’nenhum’’

I don’t have any new book. - Eu não tenho nenhum livro novo.

I don’t play any videogames. - Eu não jogo nenhum jogo.

→  Interrogativas - tem sentido de ''um pouco'' - ''algum''

Is there any milk in the fridge?

Is there any person waiting for me?

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