Inglês, perguntado por paulovitorlima109, 2 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas com os verbos entre parênteses na forma do imperativo
a)______ your homework.
b) please______ attention on clas (to pay)
c) hey, boy!______ the Animals in the zoo! (not/to feed)
d)_______ close to me and _______ the scuiptures. (to stay...not/to/touch)
e) quickly!_______ the gate and_______ us in! (to open ... to let)

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A) DO your homework.

B) Plase PAY attention on class.

C) Hey, boy! DON'T FEED the animals at the zoo!

D) STAY close to me and DON'T TOUCH the scuiptures.

E) Quickly! OPEN the gate and LET us in!

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