Inglês, perguntado por joaovitormatosp722fo, 7 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas com os verbos em parênteses no Past Perfect. (15 MINUTOS)

a) We ____________________ our work when she came here.(FINISH)

b) I ________________________you knocking the door because I was studying.(HEAR).

c) He ______________________new shoes for the wedding party. (BUY).

d) Mary __________________________last week. (STUDY)

por favorrr

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AnaGewehr


A) We had finished our work when she came here.(FINISH)

B) I had heard you knocking the door because I was studying.(HEAR).

C) He had bought new shoes for the wedding party. (BUY).

D) Mary had studied last week. (STUDY).

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