Inglês, perguntado por Diana5901, 8 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas com do or does. like hot-dog? Yes, I......... 2- .............she play basketball? Yes, she....... 3-............ he read a book? Yes, he ......... 4- ..........they like Orange? Yes, they........ 5-........ Guga and Oscar read a book? Yes....... 6-...........she study hard? Yes..........​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lucasdesbravador10


1 - Do you like hot-dog? Yes, I do.

2 - Does she play basketball? Yes, she does

3-Does he read a book? Yes, he does

4- Do they like Orange? Yes, they do

5- Does Guga and Oscar read a book? Yes, he does

6-Does she study hard? Yes, she does


Does é quando o sujeito é He, she ou it e o do é quando não for eles

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