Inglês, perguntado por kahbarbieri, 7 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas com CAN ou CAN’T
A) I ___________ go to work today because I’m sick. ____________________________________________________________________
B) A: ___________ your uncle speak Spanish? B: Yes, he ___________. ____________________________________________________________________
C) No, my friend ___________ drive, but he ___________ ride a bicycle. ____________________________________________________________________
D) We___________go to the beach today because it’s raining. ____________________________________________________________________
E) A: ___________they come with us to the store? B: No, they __________. ____________________________________________________________________
F) Denise___________play the piano.She knows how to play it. ____________________________________________________________________
G) I already finished my work, so I ___________ go home now. ____________________________________________________________________
H) Excuse me, where ___________ I buy a bus ticket?____________________________________________________________________
I) ___________ you help me with my homework?

____________________________________________________________________ ​

cauanybritto20: can't

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Whoknows22



a. can't

b. can / can

c. can't / can

d. can't

e. can / can't

f. can

g. can

h. can

i. can

Respondido por suhoceans

a. can't

b. can/can

c. can't/can

d. can't

e. can/can't

f. can

g. can

h. can

i. can

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