Inglês, perguntado por gabi4067, 8 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas com a forma apropriada dos verbos regulares no Simple Past Tense

1) The students ___________ late yesterday. (to arrive)

2) The cook _________ a cake for Peter’s birthday. (to bake)

3) Joe _________ his exercises before I did. (to finish)

4) The housekeeper_________ the house yesterday. (to clean)

5) Joe and Karen _________ each other. (to kiss)

6) My bird ________ last week. (to die)

7) Merlin _________ at home this morning. (to stay)

8) My friends _________ until midnight yesterday. (to work)

9) It __________ a lot in the USA last week. (to snow)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por caiocruzsantos2003


1. arrived

2. baked

3. finished

4. cleaned

5. kissed

6. worked

7. stayed

8. worked

9. snowed


Para colocar os verbos regulares no simple past tense é  bem fácil, basta acrescentar o -ed ou apenas o -d se o verbo já terminar em -e.

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos!

gabi4067: obrigada♡
caiocruzsantos2003: De nada!!
Respondido por popavaleria


1) arrived

2) baked

3) finished

4) cleaned

5) kissed

6) died

7) stayed

8) worked

9) snowed

gabi4067: obrigada ♡
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