Inglês, perguntado por raquelvidal52, 7 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas colocando as orações no Present continuous.

a) Marla, Marta and Agripina _______________________ (learn) how to swim.

b) The horse______________________ (eat) my lunch.

c) I ___________________ (watch) television.

d) She ___________________ (read) a book.

e) Dad _________________ (bake) a cake.

f) My sister ____________________ (listen) to music.

g) Peter ___________________ (clean) his car.

h) The dog __________________ (bark) in the garden.

i) We ____________________ (sing) our favourite song.

j) My brother and I ______________________ (play) a computer game.

k) The teachers ______________________ (show) us a film.

l) They ____________________ (bring) a TV in the classroom.

m) She´s bored. Her friend ______________________ (watch) TV again.​

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