Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 10 meses atrás

. Complete as frases utilizando o “personal pronoun” apropriado. (I, you (sg), he, she, it, we, you (pl),
they) (7,0 pts – 1,0 cada):
a) Sorry to drop your food, _____ am so embarrassed.
b) Lucy and Jane never argue, ______ are good friends.
c) “Who is that girl?”
“________ is Jenifer.”
d) “My dog is very funny.”
“Yeah, and ______ is beautiful too.
e) “Are you and Carla sisters?”
“Yes, ______ are.”
f) Terry is my best friend, ______ is always with me.
g) “Who are ______?”
“I am Larry.”

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabyoliveia021


a) I

b) They

c) She

d) It

e) We

f) He

g) You

gabyoliveia021: dnd, fico feliz em ajudar <3
gabyoliveia021: ja respondi la
gabyoliveia021: aliás, pode me seguir sim
gabyoliveia021: ficaria agradecida
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