Inglês, perguntado por otavio7240, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases utilizando o artigo a ou an
-) e eles apenas
Em portugués.
1) Complete as frases utilizando o artigo a ou an:
-afia inicie por
a) She has white dog
b) He wants piece of that cake.
C) I love to eat apple every morning
d) She has interesting idea.
e) My dad got new job.
f) Sarah wants to be dancer.
g) I will take taxi.
h) Maria is good girl.
i) My cousin wants to be astronaut.
j) She is girl.
k) He is boy.
1) I need to buy backpack.
egg and
2) Preencha as lacunas com o artigo indefinido correto:
a) Yesterday I ate
apple for breakfast.
b) Julia wants to have ice-cream, Kelly wants banana-split, Tre
wants avocado dessert and I want açaí cup.
c) Inside my bag there's Iphone, earphone, lipstick,
wallet, documents and cookies.
d) I know- girl and she has friends.
time ago,
mine gave me
advice to make invitation, but I'm waiting
moment to do it.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por evelyn1355
1- a) she has a white dog
b) He wants a piece of that cake
c) I love to eat an apple every morning
d) she has an interesting idea
e) my day got a new job
f) sarah wants to be a dancer
g) I will take a taxi
h) Maria is a good girl
i) my cousin wants to be an astronaut
j) she is a girls
k) he is a boy
l) I need to buy a backpack
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