Inglês, perguntado por gustavomaltzleite123, 10 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando The Present Perfect.

1. I'm a journalist. I work for a sport magazine in London.I ...................... (work) there for two years.
2. Jonathan works in a bank.He .......................... (work) there for three years.
3. We have flat in south London.We ..................... (have) the flat since last may.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leonardss2018pe8udz
1. I'm a journalist. I work for a sport magazine in London.I HAVE WORKED there for two years.
2. Jonathan works in a bank.He HAS WORKED there for three years.
3. We have flat in south London. We HAVE HAD the flat since last may.
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