Inglês, perguntado por jhonanthancpaul, 1 ano atrás

Complete as frases usando simple past ou past perfect tense.
a) We_________________(to hear) about the accident when you ________________(to arrive).
b) We ________________(to notice) that we ________________(to take) the wrong way.
c) She _______________(to say) that she _________________(to see) that show.
d)I __________________(to be) sure that he _______________(to give) the correct answer.
e) She _______________(to correct) the homework which I ________________(to do).

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bubuti
a) heard, arrived
b) noticed, took
c)said, saw
d)was, gave
e) corrected, did
Respondido por jordanbland03
a) We heard about the accident when you arrived.
b) We  notices that we took the wrong way.
c) She said that she saw that show.
d)I  was sure that he gave the correct answer.
e) She corrected the homework which I did.
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