Inglês, perguntado por elizabete9017, 11 meses atrás

Complete as frases, usando "Possessive adjectives".a) This is Diane's 30th year as a travel consultant(...) __________ favorite travel destinations are Europe and Hawaii.b) James is an Event Manager(...) ____________ favorite travel destinations include South Africa, Brazil and Japan.c) Bob and his wife, Norma, live in San Antonio(...) ___________ favorite trael destination is Hawaii. d) I just came back from __________ favourite destination in Brazil: bay cities Paraty and Trindade.OBS: I=my.You=YourHe=HisShe=HerIt= itWe= ourThey= their

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bbuenac
a) her
b) his
c) their
d) my
Respondido por sophimarian33
a) her
b) his
c) their
d) my
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