Inglês, perguntado por sorakk, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando os verbos que estão ente parênteses, em 3ª pessoa do singular:

a) Many e-commerce Web sites ____________ (use) encrypted information for security reason. b) This personal Web site ________________(not need) encrypted information.
c) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) _____ (allow) you to control the layout and look for your page easily. d) _____you _________(know) a good HTML course?
e) ______he _________(write) in different Web programming languages?
f) I __________________________ (not like) to edit Java and JavaScript. g) John and Laura _________(add) interest and excitement to their Web pages with the help of graphics.
h) Sheyla and I ___________________ (not copy) pre-made templates; our images are always original.
i) Sally and Sarah ______________(have) a hosting provider for my Web site?
J) My mom ________ (fry) french potatoes for lunch every day​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por viihpanda2020
Don t need
Don t like
Don t copy
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