Inglês, perguntado por marializadami, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando o presente continuous, nas formas afirmativa, negativa ou
interrogativa, de acordo com a necessidade.

3-I'm on a bus and it ---------- (not move).
4-When -------- you ------- (come) to see me?
6- Pete's mother ---------- (not have) a burger.
9-I -------- (not wear) something blue.
10- My teacher ---------- (not stand) behind me.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por geosantos653


3- I'm on a bus and it not move. (Negativa)

4-When you come to see me? (Interrogativa)

6- Pete's mother not have a burger. (Negativa)

9-I not use something blue. (Afirmativa)

10- My teacher not to stay behind me. (Afirmativa)


marializadami: obgdd <3
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