Inglês, perguntado por user20200, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando:MAY / MIGHT

a) ___ I have a drink?

b) You ___ not smoke in theelevator.

c) He ____ arrive late today?

d) ___ I play outside mom? f) You g) You not go with them. not shout in class!

e) I was afraid tha I ___ be late.

h) Mr Smith, ___ I use you telefone?

i) Today is sunny, but it ___ rain tomorrow.

j) I ____ not travel tomorrow, because I'm sick.​

user20200: a f bugou, seria f) You ___ not go with them.
user20200: g) you ___ not shout in class!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por euamosuamae


a) may I have a drink?

b) You might not smoke in the elevator.

c) He may arrive late today?

d) may I play outside mom?  

e) I was afraid tha I might be late.

h) Mr Smith, may I use your telefone?

i) Today is sunny, but it might rain tomorrow.

j) I might not travel tomorrow, because I'm sick.​




user20200: muito obrigada <3 poderia responder esses também que bugou e não foi: f) you ___ not go with them. g) you ___ not shout in class!
euamosuamae: f) youmight not go with them. // g) you may not shout in class! <3
user20200: valeuuuuuuuuuu <333
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